Calvary’s Noisy Offering:

Noisy Offering Update

  • Thanks to your very generous giving we blew past the $1,000.00 needed for the Plow and Oxen so quickly that we decided to continue and raise the money for two sets. We have now met that goal and the Council approved a motion to expend the monies for that purpose.
  • We have now set a new goal of $715.00 for a Family Farm which includes a cow, a couple of goats, a dozen chicks, two pigs, farming tools, seeds, and agricultural training and support. We chose this lesser goal knowing that the closure of church was a possibility and our ability to collect the Noisy Offering might be delayed.
  • Even though it may be some time before we are able to meet together to collect the Noisy Offering, please continue to save your change and we will get back on track as soon as possible.
  • Maybe we can fund a Family Farm in full the next time we can worship together. We’ll make a “Joyful Noise” with our giving!

Let us make a joyful noise with our giving!

