Usher Responsibilities

Revised December 14, 2017, Author: Charles Rohloff

  • Dress appropriately, wear nametag, and arrive at the church 20-30 minutes before the start of the worship service.
  • Before people begin to arrive, prepare correct bulletins, green announcement sheets, children's bulletins, and large-print bulletins on the table in the vestibule for distribution.
  • Place six large-print bulletins on the front pews for the pastors, intern, assisting minister, lector, acolyte, and crucifer. Place three on the far right front pew and three on the far left front pew.
  • Ring the church bell five minutes before the start of the worship service. Ring it for about two minutes.
  • Refill basket with coffee cups containing information about Calvary, if needed. Check assistive hearing aids/devices, lighters, and thermostats.
  • As people arrive, greet them, assist them (if requested), give each one of them a bulletin, give at least one (or more, if available) green announcement sheet to each family, and give a children's bulletin to each child who wants one. Give large-print bulletins to people if they ask for them.
  • During the announcements, hand out coffee cups containing information about Calvary to first-time visitors who raise their hand.
  • After all worship stewards have walked down the aisle toward the front pews and during the opening hymn, close the doors to the sanctuary.
  • Sometime between the opening hymn and the reading of the gospel (usually about 15 minutes after the start of the worship service), count everyone in attendance and write the total number on the calendar in the sacristy.
  • After the sharing of the peace and as soon as the pastors and other worship stewards have returned to the front pews, take up the offering.
  • After the Lord's Prayer and singing the AGNUS DEI, direct people to the communion rail for communion. In directing people to the communion rail, be sensitive to their needs (such as difficulty walking, etc.) and accommodate them, if possible. If someone needs for a pastor to take communion to them where they are sitting, tell one of the pastors.
  • Normally, on the second Sunday of each month and just before the start of the closing hymn, take up the "noisy offering" when announced by one of the pastors.
  • During the closing hymn, open the doors to the sanctuary
  • After people leave the sanctuary, deposit the offering in the safe and clean/straighten-up the sanctuary and the table in the vestibule. Turn off the lights and reset thermostat, if needed.
  • Perform other duties as requested/needed.