W E D N E S D A Y • N I G H T S
Calvary is excited to offer a midweek program for our children. Children who are 3 years old – 6th grade gather each
week in the Family Life Center to share a meal, learn and have fun with their church friends! This is also a great time
tor moms and dads to spend time with their church friends at Calvary Café!
Dinner is $5 for kiddos
- 5:45-6:00 OPEN GYM for 3yr olds -3rd graders in the FLC
- 5:45–6:05 CHOIR for 4th-5th-6th graders
- 6:00-6:55 KIDS CLUB (3 yrs – 3rd gr.) & CLUB 456 (4th-6th graders) will meet in
the Family Life Center for music, dinner, Bible Stories, crafts, etc
- 7:00-8:15 CONFIRMATION (7th & 8th grade) & HIGH SCHOOL BIBLE