Altar Guild Lead
Looking for someone to fill the role of altar guild lead. You can learn “on the job” (which is what I did) and there is a great team of people that will help! If you would like to know more please contact me via email at Thank you… Carrie

Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kit Coordinator
WELCA has an opportunity to create personal care kits for Lutheran World Relief. If you or someone you know is interested in leading this much needed ministry, please contact us at

Choir: Altos Needed
Ladies – do you enjoy singing, but have been hesitant to join the choir because you don’t have a high soprano voice? We need you! Just as Paul told the Corinthians that we are all one body made up of many parts, so the choir is all one voice made up of four parts. If one of those parts is lacking, we are unbalanced. If you are available on most Wednesday evenings for rehearsals, and you have some flexibility on Sunday mornings to sing at different times, please come and join us. Benefits include food, fun and fellowship while worshiping God through his gift of music!

Sunday School Teachers!
It is time to prayerfully consider whether you would like to teach Sunday School this year. Last year's team was awesome and we would love to add a few to that group! Last year’s teachers, we will be calling you this month to see if you are on board for another year!
We work with teams of teachers on each grade level so you can share the work load. If you would like to talk more about this important ministry at Calvary please contact Janelle or one of the pastors!

Coffee Helpers Needed!
Prepping or cleaning up Sunday morning coffee service. Training available.
Contact Robin Stubblefield at 817-721-9360 to help
Thanks from the Fellowship Committee.

NEED - NorthEast Emergency Distribution
Do you have or know of someone that has extra time in order to volunteer at NEED? We are in desperate need of individuals to volunteer at the NEED West location. We need help on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Friday’s of each month from 9:45 am to 2:45 pm. Work would include stocking shelves and filling client orders for food. Please contact Laura Anderson if interested at

Sandwich Making Anyone?
Come – Help Make Sandwiches! Have fun and fellowship serving the needy. Join the crew in Calvary’s kitchen on the 21st of each month to help make sandwiches for the homeless at the Presbyterian Night Shelter. The assembly line begins at 1:00 p.m.

CALLING FOR HELP AT Presbyterian Night Shelter
We have been serving dinner at PNS twice per month for almost 5 years and praise God for all the volunteers who have served. PNS is at capacity each night and we are serving 600 homeless, many of whom are our friends from RITI. Subsequently, we need 5 volunteers each time to meet the demand at PNS.
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Worship Assistants
CLICK HERE for instructions, lessons, and rubrics

Worship Services Coordinator
You’ll work with our current steward coordinators to help them coordinate between each other when planning stewards for special worship services: Thanksgiving Eve, Advent Vespers, Christmas Eve, Lenten & Easter services & Western Worship.
Your communication is primarily through email
and a calendar to follow will be provided.
Interested? Contact Viktor Andersson:, 817-831-8406.