Every Sunday we pray the offertory prayer:
“Merciful Father, we offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us –
our selves, our time, and our possessions, signs of your gracious love.
Receive them for the sake of him who offered himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

It has been a joy and blessing to sing together this past year, “Thank the Lord and sing His praise” both in person and online. We have embraced our two ways of being church together and distanced and have tried to provide as much online as in-person. In terms of adult education onsite and online we have never offered more opportunities to grow in the faith.

You have continued to be faithful stewards of the gifts God has given you. During pandemic and in its aftermath you found ways to offer yourselves and your time offsite and online. Your generosity has made it possible for us to continue doing ministry throughout these times of transition.

At Calvary we don’t look at pledges or ask what you are giving. That is between you and God. I will tell you that my pledge is the first payment I make every month and I have experienced that discipline as a blessing. I have found that I can’t outgive God, so I encourage you to give at whatever level you are able and participate in this act of worship, for that is what giving is. An act of adoration and praise with joy and thanksgiving for what has first been given us by our Good and Gracious God.

This year’s commitment Sunday is November 6, the Feast of All Saints, where we will make our pledges to God so that the work of the church will go on equipping you, the saints, for the work of ministry for the sake of the Gospel’s message to the world.

In past years we have had members share their experience at Calvary in temple talks during the month of October. This year we will again focus on areas of ministry: Youth and Family, the Intern program, Worship and Music, and Social Ministry.


It’s so exciting seeing all the activities back in full swing at Calvary. Last week my three-year-old son was hesitant to attend Sunday School but came back with a big smile wearing a cross necklace and enjoyed the singing and dancing at the 10:30am service. This could not have happened without many dedicated people contributing their time, talent, and resources to Calvary.

Every time we say it, I reflect on what stewardship is: “Merciful Father, we offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us – our selves, our time, and our possessions, signs of your gracious love.” It’s really an “all in” approach, giving what you can both financially and through service. Calvary’s many ministries to name just a few include feeding the homeless, preparing the sanctuary, teaching Sunday School, tending the property, singing in the choir, and many more. These ministries don’t happen by themselves! Think of ways you can bring your talents, passions and resources with joy and thanksgiving to God

Over the next several weeks we will listen to Temple Talks during worship service, featuring worship and music, youth and family, the internship committee, and social ministry. This will be a chance to learn from our speakers what Calvary means to them and their experience serving the congregation, and it will provide an opportunity to reflect on ways to plug in. Also, November 6th is Commitment Sunday and with that I’d like to lift up the updated Vanco Mobile giving app, which can be downloaded from your smart phone’s smart store.

We are blessed at Calvary to have so many people contributing their time and resources to this vibrant church community. As we say every Sunday, Go in Peace. Serve the Lord. “And we will!”

Chris Appleby
Stewardship Council Committee Co-Chair