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The mission of the Calvary Lutheran Church choir is to raise money through concerts to support faith-based projects in need of financial aid. Our beneficiary this time is the Lutheran Seminary in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Calvary Lutheran Church choir is an intergenerational ensemble of singers and instrumentalists ages 10-80.

We have 14 youth as well as several seniors participating in the musical mission tour this summer who need financial assistance in order to participate. The cost per person for the tour is $3950.

We will perform in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. 100% of the funds raised at our concerts will be donated to the seminary. [We proved ourselves in 2009 by successfully touring France, donating our concert revenue to the Centre Marhabon, a program in the Arab quarter of Marseille which served Balkan refugees and African émigrés.
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In the nightmare which was Stalin’s reign of terror, churches were forcibly shut, many were burned—some even blown up. One night in 1937, Stalin’s thugs stormed into St. Catherine’s Lutheran church and seminary, hauled out the men, lined them up and slaughtered them in a hailstorm of bullets. The women and children were shipped off to a gulag in Siberia. Not until 1997, 60 year later, did they reopen.

Viktor Andersson, Director of Worship & Music, will be leading this mission trip, as he did the previous one to France. In August, he travelled to the countries, meeting with the clergy and venue hosts to arrange the tour. Any questions may be directed to him at: 817-284-8724 ext. 33 or

Mail contributions to:
Calvary Lutheran Church
7620 Baker Blvd.
Richland Hills. TX 76118
Please note: "Choir Mission Trip to Russia" in the memo field.


Confirmed Concerts (as of Jan 15, 2012)

June 16 & 17
Brunskog Kirka

June 22, 23, 24
Holy Cross Church

June 27
Lutheran Seminary, Russia
June 29
St. Catherine’s Lutheran Church
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