Funeral Service - Saturday, January 25 - 3:00 pm
April 25, 1931 - January 1, 2025
A memorial service for Elaine Lang, 93, will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 3 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church. A reception will be held following the service in Calvary’s Fellowship Hall. Please continue to remember Elaine’s family and friends in your prayers.
ANNUAL MEETING and LUNCH - Sunday, February 9 - 12 noon
The Annual Congregational Meeting will be Sunday, February 9th following the 11:00 worship service. Additional details will be announced later in January. All voting members of Calvary are encouraged to attend.
LITTLE LUTHERANS MEETING and LUNCH - Sunday, February 9 - 12 noon
The 3rd Annual LITTLE LUTHERANS meeting & lunch will be held concurrently with the adult's Annual Congregational meeting.
LENTEN RETREAT - Friday and Saturday, February 21-22
What connects us? What keeps us apart?
Lent is a season of time to be intentional about holding on and letting go. It is a time to turn back to practices that unite us to each other and to the God who is greater than ourselves. Join us in this experiential retreat facilitated by Todd Porter. Cost: $25 per person
Read more . . . Click here to Register
Saturday, February 15 • 5:30 • Fellowship hall
Gather a Trivia Team (up to 8), or be assigned to a team, and battle for the Calvary Trivia Trophy! Calvary teens will be sharing their talents in between rounds of trivia. Evening includes dinner and dessert
Register now . . .
You are invited to join your Calvary family for a weekend away! We will be staying in group cabins at beautiful Fort Parker State Park which is just under 2 hours south of Calvary.We will have family activities including Bible Studies and Worship led by Pastor Kyle, Janelle & Ashley. There will also be games, crafts, canoeing, hiking, smore’s and more!
Cost is $70/each • 2 and under in a pack and play is free• $100 deposit holds your family spot
Register now . . .
Hymn History with Viktor
Calvary's Director of Worship & Music, Viktor Andersson researches the history behind each Sunday’s Hymn of the Day.
Click on the link to enjoy his uplifting, educational and entertaining YouTube videos!
Complete Listing . . .