An Glimpse of Calvary's Youth Program
- - - Through the eyes of a Mother, Council Member and Youth Committee Council Chair
Sometimes I feel like we are making all the wrong parenting decisions. Are they in the right schools? Do they have enough play time? Are they enjoying the activities they are in? And on and on. In a world where unrealistic expectations/ comparisons are only an app click away, I always feel like I am second guessing myself. But here, in this place, I know that my kids are always just where they need to be.
On Sunday mornings, as we weave through the crowd, my kids stop for hugs and to greet the familiar faces all around them. The faces, young and old, are all part of a village tasked with teaching my kids about God's love. Massive job, right? But, they watch as countless people staff Stephen Ministry, Room In The Inn, Kids Club and numerous other ministries at Calvary.
That massive job is met with so many people ready to answer the call and take on this monumental task with me. When Ms. Kathy and Ms. Linda move up as our son's Sunday School teacher, 3 years in a row, because they really are that invested in him (and maaaaaaaybe a few others). When Ms. Janelle has our daughter's artwork on her door and it is a source of pride every time she comes in to this building.
There is a connection between all the kids whether they are three or thirteen. High school youth freely give their time week in and week out as they mentor young kids at Kid’s Club. They pour hours into prep and set up before spending a week of their summer teaching Day Camp.
There is a village here that is not only teaching our kids about God's love, but being present in their lives. There is not a compartmentalized part of our life that comes to church on Sunday and then leaves for a six day hiatus out in the world. Instead, our kids are building what are the longest friendships of their (young) lives, not just at Sunday School, but at Kids Club on Wednesday nights, at family events and campouts, birthday parties and get-togethers "just because." These friendships are guiding me through those rough days of parenthood and celebrate all that is beautiful, as well. They are in the right place.
As we swing in to a new school year, check the calendar and come and join one of any aged youth groups for all the loud and crazy fun this school yea
~Kendra Godfrey, Youth Council Committee Chair
September 2019